Connie is interviewed by Judith Mancini

Writers Lounge Blog Radio

Join host Tom Riddell and co-host Teri Brown as they welcome author Connie Howell to The Writers Lounge. Sit back and relax as Connie discusses what it’s like to be a writer and she will also talk to us about her book: Perfectly Imperfect.

Perfectly Imperfect may have once been categorized as a “self-help book” but it is so much more than that. The author injects the themes of a memoir into this very interesting and thought-provoking book about the lessons of life and what we should take away from our existence here on our continued earthly journey. She uses troubling examples of her own life and her growth through the years to reach out to us and to explain that we don’t have to strive to be perfect- we can be loved just the way we are. The concepts are easy to understand, and following each chapter there are questions that you can ask yourself, that will help you in your efforts to understand the person that you really are- and to accept the person that you are. The author reveals some disturbing life altering situations that she went through that so many of us can relate to, and this helps us to connect with her and to learn how to move on from it all.

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Let The Story Begin!

Deep Read Press Show