Perfectly Imperfect

How many people do you know who are perfectionists and are you one of them? Is there such a thing as perfection? For most of my life until I reached my sixties, I tried to be perfect but never succeeded, it always seemed out of my grasp. My idea of perfection was to never make mistakes. I began to realize that it was an impossible dream, at least for me and that every one of us makes mistakes; that is how we learn.

Spirit Matters

Are you on a spiritual path? Do you sometimes struggle to stay focused and on track? If so, you may find some helpful suggestions and guidance within this book such as: You are not alone in your struggles there are many of us waking up to the fact that we are more than we ever thought possible. Spirit Matters, Gateways to Healing and Higher Dimensions offers you the opportunity to look deep within and decide how you can connect with the spiritual dimensions and the loving guides and teachers that are there to help.

Lifting the Veil

Lifting the Veil, Raising Consciousness poses questions that you may not ever have considered asking yourself, such as ‘Who am I’? and ‘Why am I here’? For some, these questions never get asked and so life is perceived from the physical and material aspects only.

This book endeavors to open you up to the possibility that we are all connected through an invisible field and that we are individual sparks of one consciousness.

Walking Between Two Worlds

The aim of this book is to get the reader to look beyond the physical aspects of life and to understand that there are in fact other dimensions that are not visible to most eyes. It introduces questions about Who we are, other than just human beings and explains that we all have an energy field surrounding the physical body and that this is intricate in our overall state of health and wellbeing.

Portable Snippets of Wisdom

By changing how you think about your life one thought at a time you can create a whole new outcome. These snippets of wisdom are to help you think differently and to inspire you to see things from a Higher perspective and free yourself from limiting ideas and beliefs.

Heart & Soul Cover

Heart & Soul

This is Connie Howell’s third book of verse. It touches on hard subjects such as death and loss, but these are part of life and are to be faced at times in our lives. There is humour to be found here too, and it should be embraced as well.

Thoughts of a Wounded Healer

This second volume of verse plumbs the depths of the human psyche and the connection to each other and to nature. It contains a variety of poems both personal and universal.

Soul Deep

Soul Deep is a volume of verse with universal quality. It reflects a depth of thinking and feeling that is both relatable and appealing.